All About Sept-îles
The city of Sept-Îles is located in the Côte-Nord region of eastern Quebec. In English, Sept-Îles means seven islands. The city stretches along the coast of a bay whose entrance is protected by a natural archipelago comprised of seven islands, hence the name.
Sept-Îles lies on the north shore of the estuary of the St. Lawrence River and is one of the northernmost locales with a paved connection in Quebec.
It is one of the most important economic centers of the Côte-Nord region due to its rich natural resources and its deep-water seaport which is capable of handling the requirements for the sprawling iron ore and aluminum industry.
The population of Sept-Îles is 24,569 (2021 census).
Members of the Innu community of Uashat mak Mani-Utenam makes up almost the entire Aboriginal population of Sept-Îles. The Innu belong to a Canadian First Nation of approximately 18,000 people inhabiting the Labrador region and the North Shore of Quebec. Most Innu bilingual: they speak Innu Aimun as their mother tongue but also speak either French of English as their second language.
Most residents speak French although Sept-Îles is home to an English-speaking community.
The Sept-Îles council consists of the Mayor and 9 councilors. Each councilor represents 1 of the 9 districts within Sept-Îles.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
The Info-Santé is a free and confidential service that allows you to contact a health care professional about non-urgent problems by telephone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It offers answers to common health questions and directs users to the right service in the health and social services network.
Ville de
New to
Things to See
and DO
Waste &
For information on activities in Sept-Îles, please visit: Activities or visit Directory of Organizations.
Sept-Îles also maintains outdoor skating rinks in all sectors of the municipality every winter.
The City of Sept-Îles aquatic complex was opened in February 2016. It offers a 25-metre pool and recreational pool with recreational and instructional swimming programs available.
Parks and Playgrounds
To view a detailed list of the parks and playgrounds within Sept-Îles, please visit: Sports Grounds
Cycling Routes
Sept-Îles is crisscrossed by nearly 50 kilometres of cycling paths on shared roadway.
Arts & Culture
Culture Sept-Îles is a newsletter that allows you to stay informed and stay connected to the cultural and artistic life of Sept-Îles.
For a listing of upcoming Arts & Culture events, please visit:
Salle de spectacle Jean-Marc-Dion
546, boulevard Laure
Sept-Îles, QC
Phone: 418-962-0010
Open in 1993, the Salle de spectacle offers various shows by professional and non-professional artist from all disciplines. With a capacity of 850 seats and equipped with modern equipment and convivial facilities, the Hall offers each year a diverse program of professional shows in theater, dance, song, music, humor and young audiences, from all over the world.
Regional Museum of the North Shore
500, boul. Laure
Sept-Îles. QC G4R1X7
Phone: 418 968-2070
Located in the center of the North Shore and at the heart of the cultural life of Sept-Îles, the Regional 22
Museum of the North Shore is a history and archeology museum dedicated to the conservation, study and to the enhancement of the north-coastal regional heritage. The Museum supports the realization of exhibition projects, events and meetings between cultural partners in order to offer its communities a place of convergence of knowledge and enriching discovery experiences.
Public Library
Bibliothèque Louis-Ange-Santerre de Sept-Iles
500 Jolliet Avenue
Sept-Îles, QC
Phone: 418-964-3355