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  • Welcome to the
    City of Thompson

All About Thompson

 It is situated along the Burntwood River approximately 761km north of Winnipeg.  It serves as the “Hub of the North”.


Thompson covers an area of 20.79 square kilometers (8.03 square miles) and is located on the Precambrian Canadian Shield.


The city is surrounded by boreal forest and bordered on the west and north by the Burntwood River.


The population of Thompson is 13,035 (2021 census).


City of Thompson Transit has 2 bus routes.

Thompson is directly connected to Winnipeg via highway, railway (VIA RAIL) and the Thompson Airport.


The City of Thompson is governed locally by a Mayor and six Councillors.  

Social Insurance Number



Manitoba Driver's

Emergency Services

Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!

Health Links

Phone: 1-888-315-9257 or visit: Website

Health Links is a 24 hour, 7 days a week telephone information service. Staffed by registered nurses with the knowledge to provide answers over the phone to health care questions and guide you to the care you need. Call anytime 204-788-8200 or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.   

City of 


and Clinics

Garbage and


 Manitoba Department of Education

High quality programs at every level make Manitoba an excellent choice for education and training. From Kindergarten to Doctorate/PhD, Manitoba’s education system offers a wide range of academic, training and language courses to the over 260,000 students currently in the Manitoba education system.


Manitoba schools teach students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 (Senior 4). High Schools (Secondary) prepare students aged 14 to 19 (Grades 9 to 12/Senior 1 to 4) for post-secondary education and training or employment after graduation.


Public schools are funded and offer high quality courses developed by the Manitoba Government. Independent or private schools receive public and private funds and teach courses approved by the government.

Right to Attend

Children who are six years of age or older on December 31 in a given year have the right to attend school from the beginning of the fall term of that calendar year until they receive a graduation diploma, or until the last school day of June in the calendar year in which they become 21 years of age.

Compulsory School Age

Children are required to attend school from the time they reach compulsory school age (7 years of age or will be reaching 7 years of age by December 31 in a given calendar year) until they attain the age of 18. Every parent or legal guardian of a child of compulsory school age is responsible for sending his/her child to school.

Schools of Choice

With the provisions of the Schools of Choice initiative, students may apply for admission to any public school in the province, generally without cost. There are certain responsibilities and obligations that parents and students must meet. Acceptance at these schools is based upon the availability of space, program suitability, notification dates, and transportation; and, in some cases, transfer fees.

Independent Schools

The operation of independent schools varies. Some schools are affiliated with a specific religious or denominational group. They have their own governing bodies or boards. Independent schools are eligible for provincial funding if they implement the Manitoba curriculum and meet a number of additional requirements. Non-funded independent schools may not follow provincial curricula but must deliver a standard of education to that provided in a public school. A student who wishes to enter a private school must meet the admission requirements and pay the admission fee set by the specific institution. Only funded independent schools are authorized to issue Senior Years course credits recognized by Manitoba Education. For more information visit: Independent Schools.

For more information, please visit: 

Manitoba Department of Education


Phone: 204-945-3744 or 1-866-MANITOBA (1-866-626-4862)


Thompson Schools

Thompson has 6 elementary schools, 1 high school, and one K-12 francophone school in the community.

The anglophone schools are under the jurisdiction of the School District of Mystery Lake #2355. The school district offers a French immersion program from kindergarten to grade 12 and a Cree-bilingual program from kindergarten to grade 8.

The Francophone school is La Voie du Nord Community School  



The City of Thompson provides recreational and culture opportunities through recreational programming, events and management of city owned facilities. This department is also responsible for the care and maintenance of the Thompson Cemetery, Millennium Trail, outdoor recreational areas, sports fields and green spaces.

Thompson Recreation, Parks & Culture Department

City of Thompson
226 Mystery Lake Road                     
Thompson, MB R8N 1S6 

Phone: 204-677-7952



The main recreation facility is: 


Thompson Regional Community Centre (TRCC)

 This facility offers two arenas, a large 6-sheet curling rink (Burntwood Curling Club), a gymnasium, exercise facilities and a walking track. 


Outdoor Facilities and Parks
For a list of outdoor facilities and parks in Thompson, please visit:  Parks & Trails or Sports & Courts

Local Attractions

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