All About Bonnyville
The Town of Bonnyville is in northeastern Alberta approximately 240 kilometres from Edmonton. Bonnyville is located on the north shore of Jessie Lake and is the centre for numerous gas and oil companies. It is in the Municipal District of Bonnyville #87.
The 2021 population of Bonnyville was 6,404 (2021 census).
Bonnyville does not currently have a city transit system.
Bonnyville Town Council is composed of a mayor and six Councillors who are all elected at large.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Health Link Alberta
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
Health Link is a free, confidential, 24 hour a day, 7 day a week nurse telephone advice and health information service. You can call from anywhere in Alberta and speak with a highly trained registered nurse who will provide you with advice and information about health symptoms and concerns. Health Link can help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to a hospital emergency room.
In a medical emergency, always call 911 or go directly to your nearest Emergency Room (ER).
Things to See
and DO
Bonnyville City Council
Bonnyville Health Centre
History of Bonnyville
Arts & Culture
Bonnyville & District Museum
4401 – 54th Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-826-4925
The Bonnyville & District Museum offers the chance to get to know the history and view the impressive collection of artifacts relevant to the development and setting of the Bonnyville Region.
Lyle Victor Albert Performing Arts Centre
4714 – 49 Street, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-826-2137
Public Library
Bonnyville Municipal Library
4804 – 49 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB T9N2J3
Phone: 780-826-3071
Recreation & Leisure
The Town of Bonnyville has a wealth of recreation opportunities. For more information on the programs, and services available to residents, please contact:
Recreation & Parks
Phone: 780-826-3496
The following are listed under Recreation and Leisure on the Town of Bonnyville website
GolfBonnyville Golf & Country Club
Located 5km SW of Bonnyville on Highway #28
Phone: 780-826-4886
Sporting Facilities
Bonnyville Curling Club
4810 - 49 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-826-2468
Bonnyville Swimming Pool
4712 - 48 Street, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-573-7989
Peter Kushnir Ball Park
41 Street - 50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-826-4422
Outdoor Skateboard Park
4313-50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Tennis & Beach Volleyball Courts
49 Street and 49 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Bonnyville Centennial Centre
4313- 50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-812-3400
Facilities include RJ Lalonde Arena, Cenovus Arena, gymnasium, Fitness Centre include a Wellness Centre and indoor track, Climbing Wall, 60-seat Theatre, Indoor Playground, and Leisure Pond.
Located 5km SW of Bonnyville on Highway #28
Phone: 780-826-4886
4810 - 49 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-826-2468
4712 - 48 Street, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-573-7989
41 Street - 50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-826-4422
4313-50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
49 Street and 49 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
4313- 50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB
Phone: 780-812-3400
Facilities include RJ Lalonde Arena, Cenovus Arena, gymnasium, Fitness Centre include a Wellness Centre and indoor track, Climbing Wall, 60-seat Theatre, Indoor Playground, and Leisure Pond.