All About Camrose
Camrose is a city of over 18,000 people located 100 kilometres southeast of Edmonton in Alberta. It’s known for its thriving economy, beautiful setting, and quality of life.
Camrose embraces its rural roots while also acting as a key service and shopping hub for the Easter Alberta region. It has some of the riches farmland in the prairies.
The population of Camrose is 18,772 (2021 census).
Camrose has a humid continental climate found here.
Camrose Community Bus provides a fixed route service on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The fee is $2.00 each way. Bus routes and schedules can be found here.
City Council is the decision-making body for the City of Camrose as an organization. Its decisions impact how municipal services are provided. Council is elected for a four-year term.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Health Link Alberta
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
Health Link is a free, confidential, 24 hour a day, 7 day a week nurse telephone advice and health information service. You can call from anywhere in Alberta and speak with a highly trained registered nurse who will provide you with advice and information about health symptoms and concerns. Health Link can help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to a hospital emergency room.
In a medical emergency, always call 911 or go directly to your nearest Emergency Room (ER).