All About Medicine Hat
Medicine Hat is located approximately 295km southeast of Calgary, 169km east of Lethbridge and 146km north of the United States border.
Medicine Hat inherited its name from the native word “Saamis” which means medicine man’s hat.
Medicine Hat is Canada’s sunniest city with more than 2500 hours of sunshine a year. It has the longest growing season in Alberta. Summer temperatures average 20° and winter temperatures average at -13°C. Chinook winds can raise the temperature by as much as 34°C in one day. Local up to date weather can be found by visiting,-110.677
The population of Medicine Hat is 63,271 (2021 census)
Medicine Hat is located on the Trans-Canada Highway, Highway 3 and the Canadian Pacific Railway main line.
Medicine Hat Transit services the area.
The Medicine Hat Regional Airport is served by both regional and national airlines. Air Canada /Air Canada Jazz operates four flights a day to Calgary.
City Council consists of a Mayor and eight Councillors, elected for a term of four years. The position of Mayor and Councillors are at-large elections, meaning that each person elected represents the City as a whole and not a particular ward or section of the City.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Health Link Alberta
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
Health Link is a free, confidential, 24 hour a day, 7 day a week nurse telephone advice and health information service. You can call from anywhere in Alberta and speak with a highly trained registered nurse who will provide you with advice and information about health symptoms and concerns. Health Link can help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to a hospital emergency room.
In a medical emergency, always call 911 or go directly to your nearest Emergency Room (ER).
Things to See
and DO
Medicine Hat City Council
and Clinics
The Parks and Recreation Department offers a number of programs and activities through their recreation centres and parks. For more information, please visit Parks, Recreation and Culture
Arts & Culture
Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre
401 First Street SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A8W2
Phone: 403-502-8580
Saamis Tepee
Medicine Hat’s most visible landmark is the Saamis Tepee.
Golf courses in Medicine Hat include the Connaught Golf Club , Medicine Hat Golf and Country Club , and Cottonwood Coulee Golf Course.
Off-Leash AreasThe Parks and Recreation Department has installed signs at a number of leisure trails indicating if it is considered a dog off-leash or on-leash area.
- Click here for a written description of the off-leash trails in Medicine Hat