All About Slave Lake
The Town of Slave Lake is located in Northern Alberta within the Municipal District of Lesser Slave River. Slave Lake is located 250km northwest of Edmonton and has a population of 6,836 (2021 census).
Slave Lake is located in Northern Alberta. It is 250km northwest of Edmonton and 545km from Calgary. The town is located on Lesser Slave Lake which is the largest lake entirely within Alberta’s boarder.
Local up to date weather can be found by visiting,-114.770
There is currently no local transit system in Slave Lake.
The Town of Slave Lake is served by the Slave Lake Airport for chartered flights only. Edmonton International Airport is approximately 250km from Slave Lake.
The Town of Slave Lake’s Council is the legislative body that represents the citizens and businesses of Slave Lake. It establishes policies and priorities while providing leadership for Slave Lake’s municipal government. The council consists of six Councillors and a Mayor.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Health Link Alberta
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
Health Link is a free, confidential, 24 hour a day, 7 day a week nurse telephone advice and health information service. You can call from anywhere in Alberta and speak with a highly trained registered nurse who will provide you with advice and information about health symptoms and concerns. Health Link can help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to a hospital emergency room.
In a medical emergency, always call 911 or go directly to your nearest Emergency Room (ER).
Things to See
and DO
Slave Lake City Council
and Clinics
Recreation Facilities
Multi-Recreation Centre
The Multi-Recreation Centre includes 2 regulation-sized ice surfaces, field house, indoor running track, indoor children’s play area and a concession.
Northern Lights Aquatic Centre
The Northern Lights Aquatic Centre includes a 25m main tank, a zero depth pool, water slide and a hot tub.
Ball Parks
Slave Lake is a very active ball community. The town has two ball facilities supporting various levels of play in the community.
Slave Lake has more than 40 acres of parks and open space offering many opportunities for fun and creative activities.
Public Library
The local golf course in Slave Lake is:Gilwood Golf & Country Club
Hwy 88, Slave Lake, AB
Phone: 780-849-4389
Gilwood Golf is an 18-hole public course.
Hwy 88, Slave Lake, AB
Phone: 780-849-4389