All About Wainwright
The Town of Wainwright is a vibrant community located in East Central Alberta. The town offers the amenities of a modern city but retains the atmosphere of a vibrant and strong rural community.
Wainwright is part of the Municipal District of Wainwright No. 61.
The population of Wainwright is 6,606 (2021 census).
Wainwright is a good proximity to major centres, only 200 km from the City of Edmonton and 109 km from the City of Lloydminster and the Saskatchewan border. The town is situated at the intersection of Buffalo Trail-Highway 41 and Poundmaker Trail-Highway 14.
Local up to date weather can be found be visiting Wainwright Weather.
Highway 14 is a major east-west route from Edmonton east to the Sask border.
Highway 41 travels north-south from west of Bonnyville to the US border.
Public Transit
There is currently no local transit system in Wainwright.
Train/Bus Service
Passenger service is available with VIA Rail.
The Wainwright Municipal Airport services the local area. For international travel, the closest airport is the Edmonton International Airport.
The town of Wainwright is governed locally by a Mayor and six Councillors. The Mayor and Councillors are elected for a four-year term, and the position of Deputy Mayor is rotated amongst the Councillors every two months.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Health Link Alberta
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
Health Link is a free, confidential, 24 hour a day, 7 day a week nurse telephone advice and health information service. You can call from anywhere in Alberta and speak with a highly trained registered nurse who will provide you with advice and information about health symptoms and concerns. Health Link can help you decide whether to care for yourself, make an appointment with your doctor, go to a clinic, contact a community service or go to a hospital emergency room.
In a medical emergency, always call 911 or go directly to your nearest Emergency Room (ER).
Town of Wainwright
Things to See
and DO
Wainwright City Council
and Clinics
Places of Worship
The people of Wainwright are proud of their heritage and work hard to preserve the signification historical buildings and sites within the community. Their heritage sites include: authentically restored CN Railway station which was built in 1929 and includes the Wainwright District Museum, the Memorial Clock Tower monument build in 1925 and is located in the centre of the downtown business district.
Special Events
For upcoming special events, please visit: Visiting Attractions
Wainwright Public Library
931 – 3 Avenue
Wainwright, AB
Phone: 780-842-2673
Parks & Playgrounds
Wainwright Parks & Playgrounds
The Town of Wainwright offers a variety of recreational opportunities for its residents:
Communiplex | PMM | Rotary Splash Park | Peace Memorial Park | Tory Heights Park | Community Soccer Park | Sportex Arena | Wainwright Curling Club | Wainwright Golf Club | MD Facilities | Arm Lake Recreational Area | Fabyan Campsite | Riverdale Mini Park
Wainwright Curling Club
825 – 4 Avenue
Wainwright, AB
Phone: 780-842-322
Wainwright Golf Club
1505 – 2nd Street
Wainwright, AB
Phone: 780-842-3046
Wainwright Golf Club is a public 18-hole course