All About Saskatoon
Saskatoon is a city located in central Saskatchewan on the South Saskatchewan River. Saskatoon is the most populous city in Saskatchewan and has been since the mid-1980’s when it surpassed the provincial capital of Regina.
Residents of Saskatoon are called Saskatonians.
The name Saskatoon comes from the Cree word “misâskwatôminihk,” which refers to the sweet, violet-coloured berry that grows in the area. The Saskatoon area has been inhabited for over 8000 years. Evidence has been left by Aboriginal peoples in the form of tipi rings, medicine wheels, and bison kill sites. The first European settlers arrived to the area in the early 1880’s. The first colony, called Nutana was built on the east side of the river. By the early 1900’s, a settlement called Saskatoon developed on the west side of the river, and Riversdale formed on the west bank, further south from Saskatoon. In 1906, Nutana, Riversdale and Saskatoon joined together to create the town of Saskatoon.
Saskatoon is centrally located in the province of Saskatchewan in townships 36 and 37, range 5 and township 36, range 6, west of the third meridian (Latitude 52.24 North, Longitude 106.67 West). The city lies 780 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg, a little over 520 kilometres southeast of Edmonton, and just over 300 kilometres north of the U.S. border.
Saskatchewan grows half of the entire quantity of Canada’s major export crops: wheat, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed and canola. Saskatoon is at the heart of this market, providing a variety of services and products to the farm sector. Mining is also an important part of the economy. The Saskatoon region is the world’s largest exporter of uranium, and nearly two-thirds of the world’s recoverable potash reserves are located in the Saskatoon region.
Saskatoon is Saskatchewan’s largest city with an estimated population of 266,141 (2021 Census).
The City of Saskatoon is divided into ten wards all represented by a City Councillor.

Emergency Services
Call 911 if you require fire, police, or an ambulance!
Phone: 811 or visit: Website
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